Our crawlers diagnosed that a single page on onishiskinclinic.com took one thousand milliseconds to load. We could not discover a SSL certificate, so in conclusion I consider onishiskinclinic.com not secure.
We found that this domain is using the Apache server.SITE TITLE
美容皮膚科美容形成外科の大西皮フ科形成外科はアンチエイジングに定評のあるクリニック京都と滋賀にありメディカルエステとしても人気が高く美容プチ整形ダイエットなど悩める女性に安心安全な治療や施術を行っていますPARSED CONTENT
The web page states the following, "肝斑 しみ くすみ そばかす 美白 美肌." I saw that the web page also said " 水光注射 Vital injector Derma Shine." They also said " 美肌 くすみ 赤ら顔 しみ そばかす 肝斑. 男女共用 毛髪再生 HARG ハーグ プラス療法. 10 00 12 30 14 30 16 00 予約制 16 00 18 30. 10 00 19 30 電話受付は19時まで. 10 00 17 00 電話受付は16時まで. 肝班 しみ くすみ そばかす 美白美肌. 肝班 しみ くすみ そばかす 美白美肌." The meta header had 美容 as the first optimized keyword. This keyword is followed by 皮膚科, 形成外科, and 滋賀大津 which isn't as important as 美容. The other words onishiskinclinic.com uses is 石山. 京都四条 is included and might not be viewed by search crawlers.